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Free Rehabilitation Community

Target group (s):
Target groups:

people with social disability and their helpers



Provider: Name of organization:

Free Rehabilitation Community

Contact information (address, phone, e-mail, and website)

Attila Seress Hungary H-1082 Budapest Práter u. 9. III.15. + 36 70 381 0870 agapeanum@gmail.com www.agapeanumeu (actually www.napkelte.extra.hu)


*learning in community the I-development as the centrum of integration-process
*main new methods are:

*8 step of loving-question
* free contract of rehabilitation insisted on Convention on RPD legal effect
*community supportforce to work

Selection criteria:

Innovativness in Foundation-process which is able to grow and develop for everybody with any disability

Our healing community deals with social environment protection. It motivates the cooperation of the intact ones and injured. We signed our deed of foundation in 2008. Christmas period. The deed of foundation is a contract at the same time. The foundation insisted on Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities legal effect. Be laughing and loving! – those who make voluntary the good one can save the Earth © blind and clairvoyants cooperation preceded the foundation.


*One of our founder companions', Kalleusz manager reported Seress Attila selecting „The philosophy of love and his occult significance” volume onto the respect of 2009. pentecostal Anthroposophical Centennial Meeting. The version for blind of the volume is gratis downloadable from the website www.agapeanum.eu (currently www.napkelte.extra.hu).

*2009. June a voluntary group came into existence on 20. The group deals with I-initiation, I-development. One of our founder companions, Attila Szabó a philosopher wrote the fundamental book, the title of this: “The I, the Freedom and the Spirit”.


*dr. Kinga Göncz minister of Foreign Affairs of Hungary
*Rauh Edit Under-secratary of State in affairs disability
*Lajtaváry László EU expert
had given their gratulation


In social forum Hungary to 1000 people (www.bszf.hu), in mental health forum of University ELTE to 200 people (www.lefnet.hu), in journal Új Impulzus to Hungarian Anthroposophical Society had been publicated the main idea.


A creativ social model for other therapeutists and users

Anybody, who wishes to provide a new impulsion to our community with his own rehabilitative aims, may join. Everybody may recognise the new aims on the community meetings and we may publish it on the community's website. Those who would like to join may find their own helping persons easily so, on may attain their own rehabilitation and his social integration freely on his ferry. A community may carry the free I-development of person with disability. The community may be growing by his members fitting in into the majority society successfully. May attain his aim if 1 person injured finds 7 helpers for himself - this social model works well. We teach this to others with pleasure, we are open onto the reception.



The achievement of a band's encounter opportunity of blind ones, deaf, intellectual injured, physically handicapped, autistic, with psychiatric injury living persons, speech deficiency people through three years.

Search criteria:

'Be laughing and loving! -those who make voluntary the good one can save our Earth (c)' cooperation of intact ones and injured.

shortly: 'Be laughing and loving!'


Open file


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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.