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Leisure and training space for people with psychic disability

Target group (s):
Target groups:

People with mild or moderate psychic disability



Provider: Name of organization:


Contact information (address, phone, e-mail, and website)

C/ Riu Cardener-Cantonada Riera de Mus, 17003 Girona, SPAIN Phone: (+34) 972214404 Fax: (+34) 972215399 Email: fundacioastres@fundacioastres.org http://www.fundacioastres.org



Major aim of this project is offer to people with intellectual disability the opportunity to train and gain autonomy, as well as offer playful and leisure resources according to participant’s interests.

Participation in these activities is a free choice, depending on the priorities and interests of the participants. Saturdays activity though, where it’s wanted that people have a major level of autonomy then in the rest of activities. Activities are provided from Monday to Saturday in the afternoons. The activities are: handicrafts, body expression, theatre, basketball, football and festivity area.

Selection criteria:

Usually similar organisations provide one or two services, whereas in this case different activities are organised each day. In doing so better results are being achieved. Leisure activities ensure more benefits to the quality of life of people with intellectual disability both at personal and social level.
At a personal level:
• Developing self-esteem, autonomy, creativity and expression;
• Fostering self development and growth.
At a social level:
• Developing interpersonal abilities;
• Developing social abilities;
• Allowing the establishment of new relationships;
• Fostering social cohesion.


The most appropriate way for the inclusion in the local society is leisure activities at heir place of living: doing sports with the local teams, participating in local camps, involvement with local associations are the best ways of integration. Although it is recognisable clearly in a daily work there is still a lot of work to be done to be accepted as a normal practice.


Information is given to people and their families in a very informal way.


This approach is applicable for all entities working with people with mental disability.

Search criteria:

mental disability, leisure