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Discussion and support group to help people in job finding activities

Target group (s):
Target groups:

People with mental or psychic disabilities who are searching for a job



Provider: Name of organization:


Contact information (address, phone, e-mail, and website)

C/ Riu Cardener-Cantonada Riera de Mus, 17003 Girona, SPAIN Phone: (+34) 972214404 Fax: (+34) 972215399 Email: fundacioastres@fundacioastres.org http://www.fundacioastres.org



An open group of people has been created at Fundacio Astres with the guidance of a labour inclusion technician who is responsible for leading the sessions. Usually these sessions take one hour where different problems in the job finding can be shared, discussed by the job searchers themselves.
Following activities are provided:
• Help active hearing;
• Improve punctuality, follow a schedule, have activities in the daily life;
• Mutual helping;
• Create an attachment or binding and the sense of belonging to a group of people (socialisation);
• To create a sense of responsibility of their own situation, making them participate;
• Reinforce self-esteem, motivation and positivism when realizing the job finding;
Tips are offered as well for helping at the job finding.

Selection criteria:

The normal practice dealing with people with disabilities finding a job, is at an individual level not in group. Never has been considered to raise such a practice with people with mental or psychic disabilities.


At the beginning of this activity there were only 4 people in the group, which has been broadened to 6 members currently attending the sessions. In this activity, not only the labour inclusion is the result, but also simple participation in the group, being punctual on time is being seen as achievement as it is quite common for people with mental or psychic disabilities to be unpunctual or doing absenteeism.


People attending the sessions claim to be satisfied with the activity and have even showed an interest to invite an expert to explain about types of contracts, how to read payslips, or to know about labour unions. Some have also asked to visit the workplace of someone with disability already working.


This activity has been started very recently and is foreseen for people at the entity, therefore no information or dissemination activities so far have been implemented.


Activity can be applied at any kind of entity supporting people with all kinds of disability.

Search criteria:

mental disability, psychic disability, employment, labour inclusion, discussion group