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A programme of personal assistants in Cesis (Latvia)

Target group (s):
Target groups:

Children with disabilities


Children with disabilities and their parents



Provider: Name of organization:

Cesis municipal agency "Social Service and Social Assistance Agency"

Contact information (address, phone, e-mail, and website)

Berzaines street 18, Cēsis, LV-4101 , Latvia Phone: (371) 64127740 E-mail: soc.ag@dome.cesis.lv http://www.cesis.lv/?d=417



The project aims to encourage people with severe functional disabilities for social contacts at home and outside the home, i.e. to ensure a person with a disability and functional disability, could be actively involved in various social activities. In the framework of the project procedure by which a person with a disability is able to receive assistant services in the framework of pilot-project at Cesis were developed. Potential receivers of the services as well as providers were identified. A training program for personal assistants was developed and implemented. In total 18 persons received necessary services.

Selection criteria:

Even if the practice of personal assistants is well known in the world, in Latvia services of personal assistants are not traditional. Therefore this could be seen as innovation at the limits of Latvia.


13 personal assistants were trained. 18 people with disability received service of personal assistant


There is no formal study done on the satisfaction of received services, but the children who were provided with the personal assistant, their parents admitted that the personal assistant lighten parents' lives and allows the child to take full part in social life.

Search criteria:

personal assistant, support to parents