/ News / The second work visit in Girona (Spain)

The second work visit in Girona (Spain)

October 10, 2008


In the frame work of the international project “Learning Lab for Integration” next week 11th -13th November the second work visit will take place in Girona(Spain) with the purpose to meet with integration projects of people with disabilities and examples of the good practice. Work group, experts from Latvia, Great Britain and Spain, will be visiting establishments for people with special necessities and organizations supporting disabled people their near and family members, for example, Sant Tomas. It is planned to meet people with disabilities who work at the especially created cooperative for disabled people in Fageda. There will also be a meeting with workers of specialized establishments for the prospective teachers and pupils – Estel School, Pedagogic Therapeutic Center. This will be great opportunity to find out how people in Catalonia province (Spain) are organizing help and support for people with special necessities, deciding questions of their integration in the social life, educational system and labour market.

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