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You are welcome to introduce the best examples of practice in the integration and inclusion of the people with disabilities into education activities and labour market from your experience.

Please use the forms below to introduce the information. There are some mandatory fields, marked with an asterisk (*) and some optional fields. You will have to fill in at least all the mandatory fields. Further description is provided next to each of the boxes.

Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /www/htdocs/futureforyou/zz_101_templ.php:100) in /www/htdocs/futureforyou/lang_forms/form_add_obr.php on line 2
Title: *
(Please provide a short title which characterizes the best practice example)
Target group (s):
(Please name the main target group(s) and beneficiaries, if different from the target group(s))
Target groups:
Location: *
(Please select a country from the drop down list. In case these activities are carried out in several countries, please, choose the leading one)
(Please specify the entity responsible for the best practice example: name, contact information and type)
Name of organization:

Contact information (address, phone, e-mail, and website)
Governmental NGO
Charity Private
Other (explain):
Description: * (Please provide a short description of the best practice example: objectives, what education and employment opportunities are offered, means and methods used, results etc.)
Selection criteria: (Please describe why you have selected it as the best practice example. You can choose and describe one or several of the criteria provided (Innovativeness, Effectiveness, Satisfaction, Dissemination, Exploitation) or add your own arguments.)
  Innovativeness: (In case your practice has innovative character, please shortly describe the innovative aspects of the practice described – how it is different from the traditional/typical ways of integration and inclusion.);
Effectiveness: (Please shortly describe the effectiveness of the practice, if applicable - what results it is reaching, short and long term impacts, sustainability etc. (e.g. increases number of people attending education activities and accessing labour market, changes in a policy level etc.) If possible, insert available statistics)
Satisfaction: (In case the target groups have demonstrated a high level of satisfaction, please shortly describe the feedback received, any opinion surveys carried out etc.)
Dissemination: (In case your practice has reached significant dissemination and awareness rising outcomes (e.g. it has been disseminated/communicated widely or successfully, the target groups are well informed about existing opportunities, there is a multiplicative effect in the society etc.) please shortly describe the ways information was made available, dissemination activities and the results of these activities)
Exploitation: (In case the practice has proven exploitation potential, please provide a short description of the exploitation mechanisms, the ways the practice can be transferred/implemented on different levels and by different parties (i.e. central or regional/local government, education institutions, NGOs, employers etc.) or target different beneficiaries or geographic areas.)
Other: (Please add any other information you consider relevant to completely describe why you have chosen this best practice example.)
Search criteria: * (Please enter the key word(s) which is/are describing your best practice example and can be used to find it in the Data Base. Please use a comma (,) as a separator between the key words)

When you have added all the information, introduce the security code and press the submit button. You will receive the notification that the “form has been submitted”.

Please enter the code *: Captcha

Note that your example of the best practice will not instantly appear in the Data Base. To avoid the spam, we will review the information and will add it to the Data Base within next two working days.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.